Tuesday, November 27, 2007

November 27, 2007

Merrrrry Christmas! Ho, ho, ho!

Today is one of my favorite days of the year (besides Christmas, of course)! Do you know why? It is because Mrs. Claus is making Christmas cookies today. And Christmas cookies are one of my favorite things! Ho, ho, ho! I have a very important job when Mrs. Claus makes her cookies, I'm the taste tester! That's the best job in the world!

As I recall, I had some really great cookies at your house last year. Did you help Mommy make them? If Mommy is going to make cookies this year, ask her if you can help. If she says that you are too little to help, ask her if you can have the job as the taste tester! It's the best job there is!

See you tomorrow,

Ho, ho, ho! Merrrrry Christmas!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Santa,
I really really hope you like the decorations that we are going to do today. It's not the Christmas tree...thats special, you get to spend the day w/ your family. The way we celebrate is by going to church in our pretty Christmas dresses. I hope that you see all of our pretty dresses on Jesus' Birthday and I hope you like your letter the most and our cookies, well, we're going to put icing and sprinkles on them. You won't even have to taste test them because they will be good and you can just eat them! I tought my sister, Caelyn to not climb up the slide when I'm on it, she learned an important lesson today. Santa, we're going to decorate today and I'm really excited and I'm going to help around the house. I always know when you're watching and when I get lots of presesnts that's your way of saying "that's a good job, Julia". I hope you like your letter and I think you're the best Santa, I love you so much. When you come to stores, I'm really excited and if I catch you in any other stores, I'll be sure to say hi to you.